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Jalan Ciledug Raya No. 100 A-C, Jakarta 12230, Indonesia

CSML, tempat dimana kegiatan social menjadi utama

This is a good place to have a welcome message and a brief introduction to your Web Site.

This would also be a great place to include any new information or changes that you have made to your site recently. It is important to regularly change the content on your site and make updates to the information that you display. Doing this will help you to get more return visits from your visitors.


- ADB Restoran cepat saji, menjediakan ayam goreng yang renjah, hamburger, kebab, nasi goreng dan lainya yang selalu uptodate, harga yang murah, rasa yang enak. 

- TM Cafe tempat nongkrong ngopi dan ngemil di malam hari dengan suasana musik yang ceria.



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It might also be helpful to include some information in this space about the best way to navigate your site.